Serving Canyon Vistas, Superstition Views and Montesa Too
We have changed our webpage..............
We have changed the focus to the Linedancing and Couples Dancing Groups. If your group would like to have a web page or use any of the other great features available, please contact the moderator@mycanyonvista.com . We will be happy to help you promote your group.
Featured Links
Jamboree Infomation
Couples Dancing
Memory Joggers (LD)
Montesa Pickleball
Contact Us..........
Click to send e-mail to: webmaster@mycanyonvista.com
Mailing Address: 6601 E. U.S. Highway 60 - Unit 144, Gold Canyon, Arizona, 85118
About Our Community..............
About Our Website..............
About our Privacy Policy and Vision
The "mycanyonvista.com" website is operated for the benefit of the residents of Canyon Vista & Superstition Views Community and has absolutely no connection to the resort management nor to the owner Cal-Am properties. It is 100% supported by private donation.
It offers a secure and if necessary anonymous platform for residents of Canyon Vista/Superstition Views to:
- Obtain and/or share information about the resort.
- Share interests and coordinate activities with other residents.
- Voice concerns about the services and policies of the resorts in a constructive and supportive manner.
- Put forward ideas and suggestions to improve the services provided by the resorts.
Activity on the Forum, Calendar and dedicated Activity Web Pages will demonstrate to Cal-Am Properties the high level of interest in specific activities and may help to encourage the Resorts to further develop facilities to meet the needs of the community.
Protection of Personal Information
All information collected from the users of this website is treated in the strictest confidence. This includes e-mail addressed to the moderator or webmaster.
- e-mail addresses, users real names, unit numbers or any other identifying information will NOT be published or released to any party except at the express request of the specific RESIDENT.
- Anonymous e-mail accounts are offered to activity organizers/coordinators to help protect their identity and prevent direct access to private e-mail addresses.
This website is moderated for content. While residents are encouraged to speak their mind, there are certain restrictions. Constructive criticism is welcome, but some comments are not permitted and will be removed:
- Personal attacks on individuals.
- Purposefully inaccurate or misleading information.
- Selling or promoting services (there are classified ads for this purpose)
- Comments of a religious nature (notices of upcoming events such as Sabbath Day services, bible study classes, etc. are of course welcome).
- Comments of a political nature.
- Anything that a reasonable person should understand that others will find offensive.
- Criticism of any group, person or company(including Cal_Am), that in the opinion of the webmaster may be considered to be "Non-Constructive" or detrimental to the interests of residents either individually or as a whole.
The webmaster of this site retains the right to view, edit and if necessary delete topics and posts that do not comply with the above guidelines. Users who continue to post such items after receiving a warning may be banned at the sole discretion of the webmaster.
The webmaster retains the right as the sole judge of compliance with these guidelines.
Our Vision Statement
The publishers of this website hold Canyon Vistas RV Resort and Superstition Views Resort to be the premier destination for snowbirds in Arizona.
Our intent is to support, facilitate and sustain the community lifestyle while recognizing that Cal-Am is a business providing a service and must maximize return on investment to the benefit of it's shareholders. We believe that through a supportive and mutually respectful relationship, these two objectives are achievable and are not mutually exclusive.
The publishers of this website consider Canyon Vista RV Resort and Superstition Views Resort to be well managed and recognizes that both local management and Cal-Am management in general have the intent to act in a professional and honest manner. Furthermore, as owners of homes that are semi-permanent fixtures in the resort, any issue that reflects poorly on Cal-Am also reflects poorly on us and can affect the marketability and value of our units.
About Our Forum
Similar to discussion boards used very successfully by other groups on the web, our FORUM is a place for residents to share information, ideas and concerns in an interactive manner. Unlike a static website that only provides information, residents can log-on to discuss issues and update information quickly and easily. The log-on is anonymous so that personal information is protected and not available to others on the web unless the individual specifically chooses to publish it.
Our forum is ideally suited to promoting activities by allowing coordinators and organizers to share information and ideas with interested residents. An activity can have one or more "groups" with access to read and/or create posts customized from "open to all" to "fully restricted to specific people".
Residents who are logged on can send private messages to each other. Group leaders can send messages to all members of their group. Individuals can subscribe to specific topics so they can receive updates of new posts.
Ideas, issues and concerns with the operation of Canyon Vistas RV Resort by Cal-Am can be shared and discussed. However, the forum is moderated to ensure that only constructive criticism is permitted. Our aim is to create a cooperative and supportive relationship between Cal-Am and residents that will benefit both parties.
How it works..........
The key difference between the Forum and a WebPage is that the posts are created and replied to by you the resident. Unlike the information on the webpage which must be sent to the moderator to be posted, you control what information is presented on the forum and are free to express your opinion (with some limitations).
Click Here to View - Guidelines for New Users
Helpful Hints..........
- Do not put any personal information in your posts. These can be viewed by anyone on the internet.
- Do not FLAME anyone else's post. Your post will be removed and if you continue, you may be banned from the site.
- No political discussion or religious topics (Of course notices about upcoming services, church sponsored events and meetings are welcome)
- If you insert a link to pictures posted elsewhere (i.e. Google Photos or Photobucket) make sure you set the picture album to share with everyone so that others can see your pictures when they click the link.
When you see this logo on an Activity Webpage,
click on it to go to the forum topic.
Looking for something even easier?
- Ask us about setting up a mailing list.
- Allows anyone to address an email to a single address (i.e. pickleball@mycanyonvista.com)
- The email is then automatically forwarded to a list of subscribers.
- The list is managed by an assigned moderator who can ensure that all content is appropriate.
Free and Secure Classified Ads
Residents of CV and The Views are welcome to use the our Classified Ads to advertise Park Models for Sale or Rent. There are also categories
for RVs and Vehicles for sale plus other items that you may no longer need, but are still in good, usable condition.
How it Works..........
Logging on or Registering
- To prevent unauthorized and/or spam ads, you must log on to place an ad.
- For first time users, a registration window will appear and you will need to enter a valid e-mail address and password. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you with a link to confirm your registration.
- Once you select the "Cofirm" Link, you will be redirected to the website and can then place an ad. If you have any problems logging on and/or placing an ad, please contact the moderator at moderator@mycanyonvista.com letting him/her know that you have completed the registration process.
Placing a secure ad
- Log on to the classified website.
- Select "Publish a New Ad" from the right hand sidebar.
- Fill out all fields in the window. Fields marked with an (*) are required.
- The "Place" category is not used at this time.
- You can download up to 6 pictures. These will be resized to fit. Currently, the site can handle pictures up to 6 Mb. See below for hints on posting pictures.
- You can place your telephone # and e-mail in the ad body, but if you do not want to put this info on the web for everyone to see, prospective purchasers can reply to the ad through the website and you will receive a private e-mail that you can reply to outside of the website.
- You can use the HTML menu in the Description box to format your ad or insert e-mail or other links.
- When you are finished designing your ad, fill in the security (Captcha) box and press the "Post It" button.
- You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your ad.
- Once you have clicked on the e-mail link to confirm your ad it will display. This may take up to 30 minutes. Daily, the moderator will review new ads to ensure they comply with our standards. If necessary, the moderator my modify your ad to bring it into compliance or to ensure consistency with other ads.
- Once posted, you can edit or update your ad as necessary. You can also delete your ad if you have sold your item.
- The ad will stay on the website for approximately 7 months after which it will expire. The ad will disappear from the public web page, but will remain on your "account" page and can be easily reactivated by you. This keeps the ads relatively current.
Edit or Delete your Ad
- Log on to the classified website.
- You will be directed to your "Account" or you can select it from the sidebar on the right hand side of the page.
- From the "My Classified Ads" list, select Edit, Deactivate or Delete from the menu below the ad you want to change.
- If you edit it and you change a picture, you need to load all the pictures again. Editing a picture will delete any pictures previously posted.
- If you "Deactivate" it, the ad will disappear from the listing, but will be kept. You can then Activate it at a later date.
- If you "Delete" it, the ad will be completely deleted from the website.
Hints for Posting Pictures
- Pictures are large files so posted pictures are limited to 6 mb (6000 kb).
- Most regular cameras will create a pictures that is less than this size. However, some better quality cameras produce pictures much larger and will need to be shrunk down.
- To resize pictures, you can find several on-line utilities. One is at: https://www.shrinkpictures.com/. We only offer this site as a suggestion and are not responsible for any loss of pictures. We recommend that you always make a copy of your original before using any program.
- I find that pictures limited to 8 inches wide at 300 dpi are good for posting. This creates a picture that has good detail but is a relatively small filesize so it loads quickly.
- The picture you want to be displayed on the main ad page should be the first one you load (Picture 1).
- If after following all the preceding hints you still have problems posting pictures, complete your ad, then send the pictures to The Moderator. If you pictures are very large, you may have to send them in several separate e-mails.
How can we help?.........
Our goal is to Support, Facilitate and Promote activities organized by the residents of Canyon Vistas RV Resort and Superstition Views.
- We can work with you to build/design Web Pages to meet your individual and/or group needs.
- In our forum, we can set up a secure group specifically for your Activity organized to maximize information sharing and participation.
- We can set up a mailing list for your activity. Sending an email to a single address (i.e. pickleball@mycanyonvista.com) will automatically
forward the email to all subscribers
(Hint: Information posted on the forum is visible to everyone and remains visible over time whereas a mailing list only sends information to specific people) - Let us know how we can help. Contact moderator@mycanyonvista.com