
What Happens Next
Count: 32, Walls: 2
Level: Intermediate
Intro: 16 Count Start on Lyrics
Music: Next Girl - Carly Pearce
1-8 R & L Mambo Fw & Bk, Heel Touch R L, Stomp, Stomp, Toe Fan
Restart Wall 3 (12:00)
1-8 R Back, L Kick, L Back, R Kick, R Coaster Cross, (Side, Heel Slap) L R, Side, Behind, 1/4 L
1-8 Diag Lock fw R L, Cross, Bk, Side, Scuff, Cross Shuffle
1-8 Mambo R, Mod Mambo 1/4 L, Rocking Chair, Step, Clap, Step, Clap
Ending On Wall 7 as you step L fw on Count 32 (the last count), snap fingers on both hands and throw them out to the sides as she sings "Girl